Myanmar University Wushu, sports teams arrive back

Myanmar University Wushu, sports teams arrive back

Ministry of Information/ Naypyitaw / August 09, 2022

RECTORS, officials from the Ministry of Education, the deputy director-general of the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, the Myanmar Wushu Federation president, officials and students welcomed back the Myanmar University Wushu team, which competed in the 20th ASEAN University Games yesterday evening.

The Myanmar University Wushu team consists of Myat Noe Eain, Aye Thitsa Myint and Khant Min Htet led by Mandalay University Rector Dr Tin Htun, Coach Daw Swe Swe Thant participated in the Wushu competition of the 20th ASEAN University Games. Three athletes of the Myanmar University Wushu team earned two golds, two silvers and one bronze in six events of the Barehanded and Weapons Competitions.

Similarly, the Myanmar University Sepak Takraw team, including eight athletes led by Pyay University Rector Dr Thet Lwin and officials, arrived back yesterday.

In addition, the Myanmar University Football team, who had won the bronze medal in the 20th ASEAN University Games, was welcomed back by Yangon Region Attorney-General U Htay Aung and officials from the Ministry of Education yesterday.

As the Myanmar University sports team competed in Football, Archery, Sepak Takraw, and Wushu tournaments in the 20th ASEAN University Games, Myanmar bagged two gold medals, two silver medals and two bronze medals.

